- Fixtures are now published for the period ended 19th June* (*FFNC continues to work on scheduling issues and will progressively review and update to the website);
- 203 fixtures remain published as ‘washed-out’;
- 85 additional fixtures have been rescheduled thus far;
- Hundreds of MiniRoos fixtures have regretfully been cancelled YTD;
- FFNC has NOT scheduled fixtures for 10/11/12/13 June, consistent with historical expectations that the overwhelming number of participants (and families) who like to have the long weekend for their own needs beyond football.
- Consistent with previous seasons, FFNC will not schedule junior fixtures on either Week Two or Week Three of the July School Holidays (8th July to 17th July inclusive);
- The FFNC season will not be extended beyond the previously disclosed ‘final day of fixtures’ being 18th September (i.e. concluding with the women’s premier league GF);
- The options to provide more pointscore fixtures (and MiniRoos) will likely see a modified Finals Series (details to be considered).
The FULL list of washed out fixtures that is shared today will put context into the challenge ahead in trying to retrieve a ‘normal’ season?;
Full list of washed out competition fixtures as at 9am 1st June (click here)
Bravo to everyone for the enthusiasm to progress football despite the obstacles.
As always, we welcome constructive feedback and we applaud a desire to find solutions for the greater good.