Northern NSW Football (NNSWF) congratulates this month’s Newcastle Permanent Community Award Monthly Winners in Football Far North Coast for April.
The awards recognise the hard work and significant time volunteers, coaches and match officials contribute to Australia’s largest team sport.
NNSWF Senior Officer Community Football, Ross Hicks said the Newcastle Permanent Community Awards provide an important opportunity to recognise those who make the game what it is today.
“Without this month’s winners, football simply would not be in the position it is, each of these winners has made an outstanding contribution to their clubs and deserve to be recognised.
“Community Football relies on a collective effort and these awards reflect the appreciation extended to everyone who plays a role in progressing our game.
“I am pleased we are able to thank and acknowledge each of them on behalf of the sport, thanks to the support of our major sponsor, Newcastle Permanent.”
Each of the winners was selected from a number of nominations made by club colleagues and observers of the game. Each winner receives unique packs from Official Community Football Partner, Newcastle Permanent to help them in their endeavours.
Newcastle Permanent Lismore Branch Manager, Sarah Lane, congratulates each of the winners and thanks them for their contribution to the game.
“Volunteers, referees and coaches are the lifeblood of clubs and without their hard work games would not happen every weekend. Our thanks goes to the thousands of volunteers across Northern NSW who give their time so generously and ensure players and spectators have a great experience on and off the field”, Lane said.
From the pool of monthly winners, Football Far North Coast will nominate one winner from each category to represent their Zone for the opportunity to be named “Newcastle Permanent Community Football Winner of the Year” to be announced at NNSWF’s Annual Awards Night in October.
Northern NSW Football, Football Far North Coast and Newcastle Permanent congratulate all the recipients for April.
Connor Johnston, 21, has been a match official in the Far North Coast zone since 2011. He began as a talented Assistant Referee, quickly being appointed on our Men’s Premier Division competition and being awarded the Assistant Referee of the Year in 2014. He then moved through the grades as a centre referee, to become a regular Men’s Premier Division referee.Connor is an enthusiastic referee who has had many achievements, including receiving the Referee’s Referee Award (2015), Most Improved Senior Referee Award (2016) and he was selected to referee at the 2017 FFA National Youth Championships for Boys in Coffs Harbour.

Scott McNeil spends an enormous amount of time committed to Dunoon United FC. Scott is the person that people now think about when the question is raised about why the club is able to achieve so much. In the past he has had roles including; Grounds Coordinator, Council Liason, Miniroos Coordinator, Ground set up every weekend. Now…. well not much has changed although he has assumed the role of overall coordinator far better. 2019 sees Scott stepping into the role of club president and so far he has been involved with an extraordinary list of responsibilities and tasks;Repairing grounds, Coordinating team selection, Working bees, Organising Council support, Driving grant applications, Volunteering in the canteen, Assisting with canteen coordinator duties. Ambassador for the values of the club, reinforcing good behavior and adherence to rules whenever possible. Scott is the person at the club that is aware of everything that is happening and 9/10 times is actually physically involved in some way. Whist he allows the coordinators to get on with their roles he effectively overseas and is there to support them when needed. If someone needs to be found to do a job he will go and find them, if he can’t, he will probably just do it. He is reliable, logical and does everything except possibly club technical director, because he believes he knows very little about the game (so he says) but that hasn’t stopped his passion as a volunteer.

Carlo, has been a coach within the club for many years, coaching many age divisions and senior and junior teams. Currently Carlo runs training for his three children’s team as well as his senior side. His dedication to improving the juniors within our club over a number of years has been greatly appreciated by many current senior players. Carlo is always looking for new ways to improve his coaching methods and the coaching methods within the club. Carlo Borro from Lismore Richmond Rovers FC is the Football Far North Coast Community Coach of the Month for March 2019. The contribution that Carlo has made to the game over many years is enormous and he was recognised with Life Membership at Rovers many years ago for his efforts. Season 2019 will see Carlo continue as a player but also as a coach of multiple junior and senior teams. Carlo has been a coach within the club for many years and coached many age divisions, including senior and junior teams. Currently Carlo runs training for each of the three teams that his children are in as well as his senior side. His dedication to improving the juniors within our club has been greatly appreciated by many current senior players. Carlo is always looking for new ways to improve his coaching methods and the coaching methods within the club but the most noticeable thing that he brings to the game is passion and a desire to create an environment of inclusiveness for every individual.